Efficiency Revolution
in Customer Support

The integration of AI has transformed customer support at Stylara*. With a team of 35 people handling requests in 14 different languages, the company faced significant multilingual challenges, especially at peak times. The strategic use of AI not only overcame these challenges, but also significantly reduced operating costs.

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Producing eCommerce


Customer Service Automation

Cost Reduction

by 70 percent


Producing eCommerce


Customer Service Automation

Cost Reduction

by 70 percent

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The Client

Stylara* is a nationally recognized fashion retailer with a broad and diverse product portfolio. With a turnover of around 300 million euros through digital channels, the company has positioned itself as a significant player in the fashion industry.

Together with Stylara's AI Circle, we were able to identify numerous opportunities for using AI in different areas of the company. From optimising internal processes to improving customer interaction, the range of use cases identified at Stylara showed that AI has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity. Moreover, it can open up new business models and growth opportunities for the company.

Customer Support 2
The Challenge

With a customer support team of 35 people handling customer requests in 14 different languages, the need to double the team size at peak times was a major challenge.

New staff needed to be recruited and trained quickly and effectively to handle the workload. At the same time, the quality of customer service was inconsistent, affecting customer satisfaction. In addition, staffing costs continued to rise, adding to Stylara's financial burden.

Our Approach

Faced with these challenges, we took an innovative approach with Stylara by introducing an AI-powered solution in two stages.

In stage one, the AI focused on processing simple queries with predefined answers.

The second stage enabled a personalized response to more complex queries in all 14 languages, with the generated answers being in no way inferior to human employees in terms of quality and personalization.

In addition, the AI was programmed to make independent decisions on how to proceed with certain processes.

Agile Development

The implementation of the AI solution followed an agile development process and resulted in an operational minimum viable product (MVP) within three months.

This approach allowed Stylara to quickly adapt to the challenges at hand and significantly increase team efficiency through automation and intelligent response management.

The Results

The results of AI integration speak for themselves:

📉 Up to 70% cost reduction: Automation and efficient processing by AI led to a significant reduction in staff costs.

🗯️ Improved Quality of Service: The AI's ability to provide consistent and customized responses in all languages significantly improved customer service levels.

🛠️ Rapid development time: The MVP was available in just three months, allowing challenges to be addressed quickly.

Fast payback: The investment in AI technology paid for itself within six months, confirming the success of the initiative.

What Our Customer Says

"Introducing AI to our customer service has been a game changer. Not only has it increased our efficiency many times over, it has also revolutionized the quality of our customer service. We have been able to make significant cost savings without losing the personal touch that is the hallmark of our service".



Talentship is backed by a team of highly experienced CTOs from well-known digital companies in Germany, and a team of 100 top-notch developers. With over 25 years of experience in data, software development and infrastructure, we have developed numerous AI applications and models since 2018, ie.g in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute. In 2023, we have successfully implemented AI across the board in several mid-sized companies. Few can seriously claim this today.

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How does artificial intelligence work to help serve customers?

AI, a central area of computer science, mimics human learning processes on computers, enabling them to independently develop solutions and answer questions based on analysis and learning from a large database. AI technologies are already present in our everyday lives, such as facial recognition, voice assistants like Siri, navigation systems, and robotic vacuum cleaners. In customer service, AI often manifests itself in the form of chatbots that are used on websites or in messenger services and are constantly being improved through machine learning. These AI chatbots are able to answer customer questions, ingest customer data, search for solutions to similar problems in company records, and learn from each interaction to continuously improve their efficiency.

By using AI in customer support, our customers have seen payback in as little as 6 months.

What are the benefits of AI in customer service?

AI in customer service optimizes efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and delivering a personalized customer experience around the clock. It contributes to significant cost savings, improves the scalability of service offerings, and supports data-driven decision-making through predictive analytics and in-depth analysis of customer feedback. AI also increases the accuracy of customer communications and data management, resulting in greater customer loyalty, satisfaction, and competitive advantage.

Service employees are relieved of repetitive, routine tasks. They are free to perform other tasks. This increases employee satisfaction and retention.

How can AI improve customer service efficiency?

AI can increase efficiency by automating routine inquiries and prequalifying customer interactions. This allows customer service agents to focus on more complex and valuable tasks. AI also enables more efficient resource allocation and improved response times by analyzing customer data.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are already used in customer service by one-third of European companies.

How will AI impact customer satisfaction?

AI has the potential to significantly improve customer satisfaction by providing faster response times, personalized experiences, and 24/7 availability. However, it is important that AI systems are well implemented and regularly updated to ensure a high quality of service.

The majority of companies using AI in customer support report that customers are open to the use of new technologies.

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